четверг, 14 января 2010 г.

Reasons of bullying.

I think that all comes from the family. If there is respect in the family, no violence, no insults and humiliation, then the child is in the school will behave properly, respect the teachers and their peers. Basically insulted and humiliated by those who should be treated attention. Good actions always harder to attract attention than bad. The man who humiliates another person hides their complexes. He thinks that will be popular among their peers

Also casual dress in school highlights the great difference between rich and poor parents. In the corridors of the school you hear, someone has a cool mobile phone, other parents have a posh car. Some are going to rest on the Canary Islands and live in luxurious apartments. And what of those children who do not have these drawbacks? Some of them have to survive. Now society is degraded. Moral values are not in fashion. Money and only money is the yardstick.

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